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Emotional Intelligence – The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Effectiveness

  • Tuesday, July 09, 2013
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Nova Southeastern University, H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business - Third Floor Executive Conference Room, 3301 College Avenue, Davie, Florida 33314


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Emotional Intelligence

The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Effectiveness



Research reveals emotional intelligence is the differentiating competence in leadership performance excellence, and the best predictor of success, redefining what it means to “be smart”.  The higher we look in organizations, the more this is so.  The Harvard Business Review article “What Makes A Leader” by Daniel Goleman, best-selling author of Emotional Intelligence - Why It Can Matter More than IQ, presents the findings of his research into star performers in a wide variety of positions.  Analysis of those in leadership positions reveals that the higher the rank of a person considered a star performer, the more emotional intelligence capabilities are identified as the reason for his or her effectiveness. 


In today’s workplace people experience higher complexity: shifting priorities, frequent change, coupled with information overload, time pressure, and fewer employees being asked to do more with less.  These experiences all have emotions attached to them.  

Most everyone can think of an experience where emotion seemed to overcome reason, leading to diluted and diminished application of resources.  Afterward, clarity often comes and reveals how much time and energy was wasted.  

Research in the field of Neuroscience has revealed that when a person is experiencing emotions such as frustration, anxiety, fear or uncertainty, all neural action (learning, memory, cognition and problem-solving) is adversely affected.  Our brains become less efficient in accessing creative or strategic thinking.  Emotions can literally create a de-synchronization in brain function, affecting performance at all levels and leaving core competencies diminished.  The capacity to lead, or to team and work collaboratively can become ‘hijacked’.  

New and different traits are needed to sustain high levels of leadership and performance effectiveness.  This program will introduce you to emotional intelligence and the vital role it plays in sustained success.


  • Understand what emotional intelligence is and is not.  
  • Discuss five core competencies in emotional intelligence and identify their essential role in effective leadership and performance. 
  • Discuss how EI competencies impact productivity, communication, organizational climate, teamwork, customer satisfaction, retention, and health. 
  • Understand the role of emotional intelligence competence in leading and managing change.
  • Examine some of the latest findings on emotions (stressful and non-stressful) and their impact on perception, brain function, emotional intelligence and health.  Review some of the findings from neuroscience on perception and brain function and the implications for individual performance.  

Presenter: April Frank


April Frank is President of Innovative Edge, Inc. located in Boca Raton, Florida, which specializes in organizational training, coaching and consulting in leadership development, emotional intelligence, managing change, strategic planning, team effectiveness, effective communication, conflict resolution and resilience.  

As a facilitator and executive coach she works with leaders and their teams to create increased coherence and improve individual and organizational performance.  For over 16 years she has worked with diverse types of organizations in the private and public sector in the manufacturing, service, technology and health care industries to measurably increase productivity.  Clients also include government and educational organizations.  

April created the comprehensive development program for leaders: “Emotional Intelligence – The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Effectiveness™”, that provides skill building in emotional intelligence applied to performance improvement through individualized assessment, behavioral goal setting, 1-on-1 coaching and interactive workshop learning.  April is accredited by Hay/McBer -- Hay Group, Inc. and administers the Emotional and Social Competence Inventory® Assessment authored by authored by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis and the Leadership Competencies Portfolio.  She is licensed and certified by the Institute of HeartMath to provide the Inner Quality Management® emotional competency tools training programs.  

This program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours through the HR Certification Institute.  For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at www.hrci.org.


Event Details:


Click here for a map, directions and parking pass for the event.

Event will be held in the Third Floor Executive Conference Room.


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